Welcome to our FAQ page.

Please choose from the left menu the topic to which you need answers to.
If you cannot find your question answered here, please contact us by email at support@artymys.com, or by using our live chat/contact us form.
What is Artymys?
Artymys is the world’s first Civil Protection Marketplace, a specialist global platform where you can find and discover anything you might want to buy online for humanitarian aid and disaster recovery.

From PPE to ambulances, emergency shelters to helicopters, sanitation to power supplies, Artymys offers access to whatever is required to prevent, respond and recover.

Buyers can be confident they will get what they order, sellers are reassured they will get paid. Both benefit from unparalleled services and convenience.
Why use Artymys?

Artymys avoids issues and shortcomings in supply chains, quality control and corruption thanks to:

  • Secure invitation-only marketplace
  • Vendor verification, regulatory compliance and certification checks
  • Independent product inspection, buyer reviews and ratings
  • Secure escrow cross-border payments
  • Freight forwarding, logistics and insurance
  • Returns and refunds
Who can trade on Artymys?

Artymys is a B2B marketplace built for 


  • NGOs and Non-Profits

  • Governments and Governmental Agencies

  • Medical Service Providers

  • Educational Institutions

  • Other Commercial Enterprises

Sellers & Other Suppliers:

  • Manufacturers

  • Authorized Distributors

You must be a legally registered entity to trade on the Artymys marketplace.

What countries are allowed to participate in the marketplace?

Entities from all countries, except those under embargo sanctions, may apply to become a part of the Marketplace. An eligible entity will be onboarded only if it complies with Anti-Money Laundering (AML)/ Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) rules.

How do I create an account on Artymys?

To be permitted to use our platform you must become a Qualified Registered User by successfully completing the Know Your Business (KYB) qualification procedure and providing accurate registration information.  
Steps to completing the registration process: 

  1. Create an account.
  2. Confirm your email.
  3. Accept our General Business User Agreement.
  4. Pass the KYB.

To start registration, follow this link: https://artymys.com/account/register-select/

Can I register as both – buyer and seller?

It is possible to register as both buyer and seller. However, you will need to create 2 separate profiles: one as a buyer and another as a seller using different email addresses.

Can I create more accounts in your platform for my representatives?

It is not possible to create more than one account associated with a company yet. We are working to offer this possibility in the future.

Do I need to pay to use Artymys?

To use the marketplace, each seller and buyer must pay a one-time Platform Registration Fee (PRF) of USD 1.000. After the registration is completed successfully, meaning the KYB verification is finalized, an Annual Platform Subscription Fee (PSF) must be paid, either in one payment of USD 999, or by choosing monthly installments of USD 99. These fees are non-refundable.  

Additionally, both sellers and buyers are subject to paying several types of fees as per the Fees Schedule.

How can I contact you?
To reach our Client Support team please send us a message on our live chat, complete the Contact Us form on our website: www.artymys.com or send us an email to support@artymys.com.
Social Media
You can also find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter.
Problems logging in to your account?
Please be advised that you should double check your email and password.
Many login issues are caused when an extra space is added before or after an email address or password. Before you attempt any other troubleshooting, confirm that you have entered your email and password correctly and with no additional spaces. Artymys passwords are case sensitive and must be at least 8 characters in length.

If you are certain that the password and email are correct, try resetting the password by clicking on “forgot your password?” in the Log In window. If you did not receive an email with the subject “Request a new password” kindly double check if you received it in the spam inbox. In case you locate it there please mark it as Not Spam and access it from the Inbox of your email address.

If none of the above solutions worked, please send us a message through our live chat on our website, sending an email to support@artymys.com or completing the "Contact Us" form with details on the issue. In addition, you can also attach a screenshot to help us better understand the reason for the issue.
Forgot your password?

If you forgot your password, please press on “forgot your password?” in the Log In page: https://artymys.com/account/login/. Insert your email and then you should receive an email to renew it. If you did not receive an email with the subject “Request a new password” please double check the Spam or Junk folder. In case you locate it there please mark it as Not Spam and access it from the Inbox of your email address. 

If you encounter issues resetting the password, do not hesitate to contact us by sending a message through our live chat on our website, sending an email to support@artymys.com or completing the "Contact Us" form with details on the issue. In addition, you can also attach a screenshot to help us better understand the reason for the issue.

Product Listing

After you have successfully been approved as a Qualified Registered User, the next step is to create listings with products relevant to civil protection, healthcare, and humanitarian aid.  Sellers should refer to our applicable policies for detailed guidelines on prohibitions on posting product listings. Examples of prohibited products include, among others, illicit drugs and precursors, firearms and ammunition, indecent items and obscene materials, items that are racially, religiously, or ethnically derogatory, or that promote hatred, violence, racial or religious intolerance, products which are fake or counterfeit or infringe another’s intellectual property rights, or any products prohibited by laws, regulations, sanctions, and trade restrictions. 

All products offered for sale on our platform must comply with all laws and regulations and with our policies. It is each seller’s responsibility to source and sell only authentic items and make sure that the products sold do not violate any intellectual property rights (e.g., copyright, trademark rights, patent rights). It is the seller’s responsibility to provide authentic and official product information and relevant certification documentation according to the relevant rules and regulations or on the buyer’s specific requirements.  For certain products, brands, categories, and sub-categories, we may require sellers to obtain approval before listing products on our platform. To this end, we may request documents and certain performance checks.  We may restrict you from selling certain types of products for various reasons, including regulatory compliance and product safety.  If we determine that a product is prohibited, potentially illegal, or inappropriate, we may remove it from our platform without prior notice and take corrective actions, as appropriate, including immediately suspending and/or terminating your membership. To ensure that the products to be listed on our platform comply with all applicable laws and regulations, you are responsible for conducting legal research, including for the sale and supply of products outside your country of origin. We require you to familiarize yourself with all applicable local laws including product compliance and public authorities’ requirements.  Please note that our policy is to prohibit the use of the Artymys platform, for sale of products originating, or produced, in restricted countries or regions, as provided in accordance with the applicable laws.

Are the products listed on Artymys certified?
We highly encourage sellers to add any held certificates for their products. If the seller has uploaded any certificates, they will be displayed on their product page. The likelihood of certified products to be sold on Artymys is significantly higher as opposed to those that are not certified
Where will the products I list on Artymys, be promoted?

The added products will be promoted on the Artymys marketplace, so that buyers can identify and discover you faster. Some products might be advertised through Google, to further augment discoverability.

Purchasing on Artymys

After you have successfully been approved as a Qualified Registered User, the next step is to search through our platform, find products offered by the sellers and start buying products. Product images, information, and relevant documentation are under the sole responsibility of the relevant seller. 

You are responsible for reading the full item listing and any related terms and information before committing to buy products.   

You enter a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buy an item and place a buying order. We only mediate as a match-making platform for the sales, and we do not act as the contracting party for you. We will not be a party to any contracts between users. We do not transfer legal ownership of items from the seller to the buyer. 

Orders Payment

Buyer of an online transaction through our platform shall pay the full transaction price, listed on the product page, to the seller, through the available payment methods and in the manner provided on our platform.

What payment methods are accepted?

Currently, you may pay for products traded through the platform by using Electronic Transfers and Wire Transfers (SWIFT, SEPA, ACH) payment methods. Soon, other options will be made available, such as Debit & Credit Cards payments, Virtual-currency payments etc.

What is the settlement and listing currency?

Currently, the settlement and listing currency on Artymys is only US (United States) Dollars.
The multi-currencies option will be available soon.

VAT and other Taxes

You shall be solely responsible for the payment of any taxes (such as VAT), duties, governmental levies or any charges or fees that may be imposed on any products or services purchased or supplied through the Artymys Marketplace.

Orders Processing

Sellers and buyers will enter an online transaction for products by completing, submitting, and accepting an order online, using the applicable standard order form on the platform and respecting the time frames for each step of the process as listed in our Selling/Buying Policies

How do I know if my order has been successfully placed?

The order has been successfully placed after the payment confirmation for your order has been provided and a notification that the Seller has started to process your order was received.

Can I cancel my order?

An order can be cancelled before the payment is made. After the payment was made, if a cancellation can be processed, depending on the reason of cancellation, penalties/fees may apply. Orders that have been shipped usually cannot be canceled.
If you would like to cancel your order, please send a cancellation request as soon as possible to support@artymys.com, including your Company's legal name, and the Order ID. We will check the status of your order and inform you of cancellation availability as soon as possible.

Who will arrange and pay for the shipping?

It depends on the seller's Incoterms and the shipping arrangements agreed between the seller and buyer. The shipping can be arranged directly with the seller if the seller provides such an option. For it to be done, you must request a Shipping Quote before placing the Order. In case you cannot, this is because the seller does not provide Shipping/Transportation/Delivery options and you must manage this on your own.

Returns, Selling and Shipping Terms

To ensure a consistent experience for buyers, we require sellers to provide their own return & selling policies and terms & conditions. These will be published or made available on our platform. The return policy will state whether the seller accepts returns or not, and if so, under what conditions. 

Before making a purchase, the buyer should review sellers’ return & selling policy, as by submitting an order, they confirm that they read and understood the return & selling policy of that seller.

We help buyers and sellers communicate and resolve issues. We provide a messaging function within our platform that facilitates direct communication between sellers and buyers. If you have a dispute with another user of our services or a third party, we encourage you to contact the other party and try to resolve the dispute amicably. Please refer to our dispute management policies that, together with any other policies, are made available to you in your User Account.
For disputes, please contact us at disputes@artymys.com and let us know in detail about your case.
What kind of Covid-19 equipment do you have?